So now that you have already reached your goal, great! Congratulations on a wonderful achievement. Now that you are already at your goal, now that you can wear clothes that enhance and flatten your figure, and now that you can strut your stuff with confidence and pride, go ahead and maintain it! So easy to say, but like your journey to effective weight loss, following all those quick weight loss tips, exercising – it is basically the same challenge to maintaining your ideal weight. Once you have reached it, your journey to being healthy and beautiful does not end there, as a matter of fact, it is just beginning. Make yourself ready for even more challenges to come.
Maintaining your weight is like walking on a thin line. Permanent weight loss can be very hard to achieve. A few wrong turns, or a wrong move, then you fail. That is definitely true. This is actually the most challenging part of your weight loss journey because now that you are already on your ideal weight, you can increase the amount of calories you take, but only to a certain level. More often than not, the line is sometimes crossed because we tend to miss those sinful hi calorie foods from those strict dieting and days of eating only veggies or fruits. Real weight loss success is actually the achievement you get, when you are able to lose those excessive pounds and maintain your weight for years.
So, how does one maintain the achievement brought about by those quick weight loss tips and tricks? The answer is simple. Just continue what you have started, may it be those belly dancing exercises, your swimming class, your fruit diet, or whatever it is that took you to where you are right now. Though you can now increase your calorie intake because you no longer need to lose weight, just practice moderation. And stay away from those empty hi calorie foods and those sinful sweet things that make your mouth water. Continue eating fruits and vegetables, like you did before. If you have already started a healthy lifestyle, now is your chance to continue and live with it.
By and by, you’ll learn the golden rule which is Discipline. With it, you can maintain your ideal weight for as long as you want, and as much as you want. Since you are disciplined, you will of course know the right food to eat, and those that you need to say no.